The Diocese of Sacramento requires every parish to establish and maintain a parish pastoral council. The pastor identifies his parish pastoral council and presides over the council, which serves in an advisory capacity. The parish pastoral council assists the pastor in serving the parish community by
exploring the needs of the parish and responding appropriately. This is accomplished through prayer, listening, and dialogue. The pastor determines the size and membership of the council through a selection process of his discretion. Structure of the council is formalized through bylaws with an elected chairperson and a regular meeting schedule. To view the parish pastoral council guidelines, visit To contact the Parish Council, please email [email protected].
My wife and I are parents of two children and we joined St. Clare in 2002. I continued as a Lector in 2004 and joined the Knights of Columbus in 2006. It's been an honor to receive a call to be a part of the Parish Council. I look forward to listening to our parishioners and bringing your praises and concerns to Fr. George Snyder, Jr.
Originally from New York, I became a St. Clare parishioner in 2015. Since then, I’ve been blessed to be a lector, a member of the Filipino Ministry, and a catechist for Confirmation for 3 years. I look forward to serving our wonderful parishioners as a resource to share their ideas with Fr. George.
My husband and I have been parishioners of St. Clare's since 1994. Our three children grew up with St. Clare as their parish home. Over the years I have served St. Clare in Faith Formation, Liturgical Ministries, Parish Council, Prayer Ministry, MOMs group, Spanish Liturgy and all but one Campaign Committee. St. Clare's faith community is truly our Spiritual Family.
Bio coming soon.
Bio coming soon.
Bio coming soon.
My husband and I joined St. Clare in 2000. We are one of the founding families of our beautiful Church. Our two children grew up in this most blessed community, and have completed all of their sacraments at St. Clare. Our family's involvement includes supporting the following ministries: Faith Formation, MOMS, Children’s Liturgy, Altar Serving, Vacation Bible School, and Social Concerns. Fun Fact: We met Fr. George in 2005 while he was preparing for the priesthood.
My wife and I have only been at St. Clare since 2022. I belong to the Knights of Columbus Council at St. Clare, and I was the lead sacristan for the weekday Masses, but I will switch to the lead for the EMHC’s. I also help with the Social Concerns ministry.
Bio coming soon.
Bio coming soon.